Sunday Worship Service & Live Streaming - Sun @ 11:00 am

Bible Study - Wed @ 6:30 pm

Adult Bible Study & Sunday School

Class Age Group Location
Bible Study Class Co-Ed Adult Prayer Chapel
Ruth Class Ladies Adult Room 302
Young Adults Co-Ed Young Adults Room 306
Student (Youth) Grades 6-12 Green Room (Room 203)
KidZone Preschool – 1st Grade Room 303
KidZone 2nd – 5th Grade Room 310

Here at Glen Burnie Baptist Church, we place a great priority on Bible Study. Studying the Bible  is not an activity just for children and students, we believe that adults need to continue to study God’s Word to grow and mature in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ as well. 

In the Co-Ed Adult Sunday School Class, Jeff is teaching the different Bible books/topics for spiritual growth on Sundays at 9:30 am. He currently is teaching from the Book of Proverbs. 

In the Ruth Adult Ladies Class, Pam and Carol are teaching using Lifeway literature.